Extract from an interview between F.V. and Séraphin des Prades
Séraphin des Prades : Do you still see art as having to do with nature ?
F.V. : The proximity in which I live to nature, to farming and to animals, implies a non-urban way of thinking, close to the body and to the poetic.
S des P : Your relationship to nature and landscape seems to be basic to you. What do these grand notions, which might seem a bit old-fashioned nowadays, mean to you ?
F.V. : In Michel Onfray’s view the 21st century will be antinatural. The landscape of my childhood, which is also the one I can see from my studio, fascinates me. It has become a mediating image and the plinth of my dreams. It opens my mind to the noise of the world. It stretches out in a semi-silence, a great solitude and a pleasurable sensuality. An ancient memory, dim and distant, floats on its surface. In an act of contemplation I am driven to restore to nature, through the work of art, its physical, metaphysical and mythological power, processed through my biography. Landscape is one of its foundations, nature its central study, and artifice is the means of action.